We stopped by to visit the jeweler that my Dad has done a lot of work with and put orders in for the engagement pendant and the wedding rings.
There are two different styles of rings that we both liked. It was tough to see every detail in the catalog she had, so she ordered them both from her supplier. They should be in before we head back home. We’ll take a look at the actual rings and make our decision then.
We also worked out a design for the engagement pendant with my Fiancee’s three diamonds… The one from her Grandmother, the one from her Mother and the one from me. When we got home after all that, it was definately nap time.
There’s something about spending large amounts of money that makes me sleepy. I noticed it when I bought my first car, and again when I put the earnest money down on my house. This wasn’t as much as either of those, but it had a similar effect… Once the check is written, or the cash changes hands I need a nice quiet lie-down. I’d make a terrible investment banker.