Bed, Bath and Beyond has become the yardstick by which all other wedding registries shall be measured! My Fiancee and I had a great time wandering through the store with a little laser scanner, debating the merits of various rice cookers and window treatments.
We were our usual goofy selves too, perhaps a bit more than usual, but the customer service person we were working with was really great. I think she was younger than we are, and she seemed very pleasanly surprised at the way we were bantering back and forth with her… She mentioned that usually the people she’s dealing with kind of zone out with boredom as she’s explaining things. Anyway, she laughed at our lame jokes and really seemed to be having a good time working with us.
And while we were going through the shop she brought us snack food and sodas!
Any other place we go to is going to have a tough act to follow…