Feeling funky

I’m not entirely sure why, but I’m feeling kinda poorly today. There’s a couple of possible reasons. It could be the combination of rich food, good drink and late hours that have me feeling poorly, or it could be that two of the people we stopped by to visit yesterday are ill now, and were possibly contagious when we saw them.

For certain, I stayed up too late last night. My Wife and I hung out and ate smoked fish and drank beer with one of my groomsdudes until nearly midnight. On the plus side, the keg is empty! We didn’t drink it all… Groomsdude had some huge bottles with clamp-down caps in his kitchen, so I asked him to bring them over. He went home with about a gallon of beer and some of the smoked whitefish sausage that my folks had brought down.

On the other hand, we stopped by the benefits office yesterday during the day and met with someone about getting our insurance and medical benefits reorganized. The fellow who helped us seemed rather brusque, if not flat out cranky, for much of our time there, although he warmed up a bit near the end. His attitude made sense when he told us that the reason he wasn’t shaking our hands and congratulating us was because he was feeling ill and probably would have stayed home were it not for the way that the office would “fall apart without him.”

After trying and failing to track down Shar, we headed out to her husband Dirge’s workplace and hung out with him for a bit. We made tentative dinner plans, centered around beer-based turkey chili, then headed out to lunch with my new mom-in-law. We ran some other errands and headed home to discover a phone message from Dirge that dinner was off… His eldest had come home from school and yarked, and he wasn’t feeling all that great himself.

So far I’ve been free of heaves. Just feeling a bit poorly… At this point, I’m going to try to stick out the rest of the day and see how I’m doing.

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