Irony, thy name is Dubya

Current headline on CNN: “Bush urges Kerry to condemn attack ads

Dude… Did you somehow miss that he allready had?

Oh wait, I see now.. You want him to join you in eschewing the beneficence of various organizations that are disassociated financially from organized political parties with congruent philosophies!

Sorry… Forgot which candidate I was talking to for a minute. Let me rephrase that.

You think all 527’s are bad, shadowy organizations.

You do know that the National Federation of Republican Women is a 527 organization, right? The one with a picture of your wife on their website? And that the second-biggest 527 group in existence is the Republican Governors Association? And that you’ve benefited from the efforts of a bunch of other 527 organizations as well?

And that’s not even getting in to the whole freedom of speech issue. I mean, just because someone disagrees with you is no reason to forbid them from participating in the discussion altogether.

Oh wait. Sorry. I forgot, that’s standard procedure for your campaign, isn’t it?

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