Accidents Hapen

Yeah, a bit of a late entry for tonight. Work has been pretty hectic, so I was planning on saving my writing for the evening… And then with the combination of cat-sitting for some friends and heading over to my Sister’s place to help her with a gaming thing, things ran rather late.

The gaming thing looks fun… It’s something that she’s thinking of running next summer, using the d20 Farscape setting. My Sis is a huge fan of the series, and knows the setting like the back of her hand, but she wants a bit of practice running things, especially with an unfamiliar rules system. My Wife and I were more than happy to oblige… Plus, I got to drag in some Open Gaming rules that Rich Berlew over at Giant in the Playground wrote. He’s got some nifty ideas for fighters that make them a bit more fearsome and flexible. They were written with a fantasy campaign in mind, but there’s not much adaptation required to make them fit into a Sci-Fi game.

Of course, after having dragged that all in, I wound up not using it in the character I spent the most time on. Instead of a fighter, my high-concept idea is an eerie but charismatic mystic type, out to use his strange mental powers to avenge the wrongs that his people have suffered after centuries of slavery and oppression. Sort of a sci-fi combination of Spartacus and Rasputin. We’ll see if he can manage to avoid being either crucified or poisoned, shot, stabbed, beaten and finally drowned.

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