There are two words you almost never want to hear from someone who is working on a computer, a car, or a cardiac bypass:
“That’s strange…”
The only reason I bring this up is that the house computer has locked up mysteriously twice today, and I’m not sure why. It’s a semi-ancient Powerbook G3 running OS 10.2.8. It’s got a USB adapter card and I’d had it hooked up to a Lexmark Z53 inkjet printer with printer sharing turned on… And I think that’s where things start breaking. Yesterday’s lock-ups coincided with me attempting to print a couple of PDF files. The first one came out fine, but it just stopped about half way through the second. I finally wound up just powering everything down and hooking the printer directly to the machine I was printing from.
Worst part of it is, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong in any of the system logs…