Monkey rider?

Ok, the post I was going to do about how Gallup polls are officially useless just vanished into the ether thanks to a misplaced “Command-W”. Of course, if it weren’t for a misplaced W being in command, I wouldn’t have any incentive to write about politics in the first place… Anyway, instead of blathering on about some political thing that might interest two of you out there, I’ll write about two fascinatingly hyphenated words that I happened across at Andy Ihnatko’s Yellowtext while I was simmering over my keyboard ineptitude:


What the hell do they mean? They appear to have nothing whatsoever to do with the rest of his entry, which is about visiting New York… Maybe there was going to be some sort of Oz reference? Wizard of, not the show in the prison. But those were flying monkeys, and I don’t think they had saddles or anything.

Maybe it has something to do with rock band concert contracts? I know that the folks over at TheSmokingGun have a collection of all sorts of interesting rock band concert riders, specifying everything from clean underwear to lunchmeat selection, but I kinda hope there isn’t anything in there about monkeys.

Or maybe it was going to be a paragraph about Peter Jackson’s new movie project. I’m pretty sure he’s taking on King Kong, and there could be some parallels between a CGI giant ape and the Riders of Rohan, even if I can’t think of any off the top of my head. I guess I’ll have to remain baffled until he goes back and edits his post.

And if he does, this whole entry of mine will make even less sense than it currently does. All that I’ll be left with is the single enigmatic phrase, “monkey-rider” carved into the blog entry like the word “Croatoan” on an electronic internet tree…

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