Shiny & Shadowy

If you’re using Safari and have nothing better to do than compare tiny details of layout between one day and the next, you may have noticed a slew of drop shadows popping up on the site. Not to worry, I haven’t gone Photoshop-mad. I just ran into a neat article on MacWorld about some stuff in CSS that Safari will render that other browsers don’t, yet…

Um. If you’re not using Safari, you probably haven’t noticed anything odd and have no idea what I’m talking about. Nothing to see here then. Move along…

For the rest of you (and I know you’re out there! According to the server logs, you’re 9.2% of our viewing traffic!), here’s how you can add the same sort of thing to your sites.

First off, I’m assuming you’re using CSS. If not… Well… You ought to be.

Anyway, in the definition for the text that you want to have shadowed, just add something like this to the description:

text-shadow: black .2em .2em .2em;

Ta dah. Enjoy.

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