Vay Cay Shun

In about an hour and a half it’ll be the start of the Origins vacation… Not that I’m counting down or anything. I’m just getting psychologically prepared.

Physical preparedness is almost done. My Wife did 95% of the packing already, which means I’ve just got to grab the show DVD and the various electronica that we’re taking with us and we’ll be good to go. Mentally though, it’s hard to fully wrap my noggin around the idea that in 24 hours we’ll be in sunny senic Ohio, kicking back and relaxing at a hub of gaming geekdom.

I’m hoping that the laptop that holds my personal slice of geek-cred will be up and running… One aspect of my job that is a mixed blessing is the part which involves me putting the latest and greatest software on my machine and seeing what breaks. Since the software I’m installing is the newest version of the Mac OS, if it breaks it’ll take everything down with it…

Ah well. Fingers crossed…

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