I don’t know if it was ever an official “Rich Hall” Sniglet, but we were treated to a live example of evangelonging at my grandma’s home this morning. If you don’t know the word, it’s the practice of evangelists (especially on television) to emphasize a word by stretching out the middle (e.g. Ga-aaaaahhhhhh-d).
This might have been originally intended to make things more understandable to a bunch of dozing seniors with dodgy hearing, but I did notice that the duration of the words were directly proportional to the perceived drama of their content. Fairly standard things like psalms and prayers went by without excessive lingering, but the sermon was full of hitherto unknown words such as the aforementioned “Ga-aaaahhhh-d” and references to the “Spir-hit-uh” and the true “Me-ah-ning” of all sorts of stuff.
My wife commented that he sounded like a cross between Jimmy Swaggart and Carl Sagan.