Summer Squash Fried – Cut the squash into slices a quarter of an inch thick dip in beaten egg to which has been added 1 tb water; then roll in cracker crumbs and fry upon a griddle in plenty of lard. Cook slowly until brown and tender. Turn to brown both sides. Season the crumbs with plenty of salt and pepper. – Mrs H. W. Casterlin
Verdict: Very tasty. These were one of the appetizers for our yearly cookout. I used Ritz crackers for the breading and vegetable oil instead of lard. Cooking was done at medium heat in a cast iron pan on the side-ring of our gas grill. I should have used a larger pan – the squash we bought made four or five separate batches of fried up squash discs and they were consumed rapidly. A larger pan would have let more guests have more squash at a time.