Posting Guests

This week’s comic was originally a guest strip I did for the (now sadly defunct) webcomic “Gravytrain”.

Johnathan Strange and Mister Norrell

England! In the era of the Napoleanic wars. A fertile field for fiction, yadda, yadda, I’ve done this rant before, in a way. Instead of dragons though, this book splits with reality by making magic a historical fact.
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Wine news

Happy Easter everyone – I celebrated by taking care of a bunch of wine projects this morning. Five gallons of dry Apple wine and another five of semi-sweet Pear wine have been bottled, a batch of Cranberry has been transferred to a fresh carboy, and a second batch of Apple has also been shifted about. After all that, I’ve got some handy tips and notes for folks who might be looking to do the same sort of project.
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Invisible Notebook, part 2

This week’s comic is based on an actual conversation.

What the heck?

I wonder if this adaptation of the Pooh Bear stories is based off of my old comic?

Blood and Chocolate

My wife and I met the author of this book at Conbust – that’s the Smith College sci-fi and general geekery convention where we’ve shown the Smithee Awards for the past few years. Now that I’ve (finally!) read this book, I can watch the movie version of it – a movie which the author really, really dislikes.
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Blood Lite

This book is a collection of short horror stories. The title is a bit misleading – only a few of the stories involve vampires, but the collection as a whole does shed a bit of blood.
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Champagne for One

Book 23 is the second half of the Nero Wolfe double-feature that I finished yesterday. This was kind of an odd book to read – it was one of the stories adapted for the A&E Mystery series, so there was no surprise as to whodunnit or how it was actually done. On the other hand, it was fun to see what was kept and what was changed between the page and the screen.
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Too Many Cooks

We did some traveling this weekend, and I’m one of those fortunate people who can read on a plane without suffering from motion sickness.
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A Memorial

This week’s comic is in memory of Isaak, a wonderful cat and frequent guest star of Quirk’s Evil Little Webcomic.