Good Omens

Book number three of the year is a collaboration between Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett first published in 1990. The plot is, broadly, a parody of the Omen series of apocalyptic movies blended with a light-hearted mockery of of New-Age spiritualism and end-times prophecies in general. The story centers on the life of one Adam Young, a perfectly ordinary boy from Tadford who just happens to be the spawn of Satan.
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My Man Jeeves

Book two of the year is the P. G. Wodehouse classic, “My Man Jeeves.” This was a collection of short stories originally published between 1916 and 1919, and there are free e-book and HTML versions of the book available from both Project Gutenberg and from Amazon’s Kindle Store.
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Getting on with it

This week’s comic bears up under the strain.

The Rubber Band

I’m going to be shamelessly stealing an idea from my wife. She keeps track of the books she reads every year and writes up reviews, part of what she calls the “Read Some More Damned Books Initiative.” I’m a voracious reader myself, so I figure I might as well join in the fun and see just how much I actually do read.
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New Year, New Routine

So… We’ve dragged ourselves, kicking and screaming, into the year 2006. We’ve got a Wii.

Part of this is for a future, Big Lebowski themed party – a game console is slightly more portable than an entire bowling alley – but the other part of it is for the Wii Fit balance board attachment.
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New Year, New Comic

This week is when we find out what a sema is for.

Twelve Days

I wasn’t sure if I should do something based off of “Twelve Monkeys” or “28 Days Later.” So instead, you get this very special Christmas comic.

Stack of Stone

This week’s comic sets the groundwork for future innovations in creative accounting.

Time Machine

For some reason I woke up with this week’s comic stuck in my head as the remnant of a dream.


This week’s comic is based on my actual condition at the moment.