Victor 74205

Answer (Robyn) – Evan Williams, 5.5 MB mp3 file.

Just a single sided record today. This one is a remarkable tenor singing a melancholy and slightly operatic love tune from 1919. I wish the noise reduction was a bit less obvious on this one.

My wife has a garden…

I think we need some of these tomatoes….

Eco-Comics: I’m really geeking out about ’em.

Ok, let me just reiterate how much I’m loving Eco-Comics. The authors have just spent a couple days analyzing the return on investment for Batman villains cooperating. Using a combination of the Prisoner’s Dilemma and Utility Analysis they’ve determined that the best course of action is for members of Batman’s “Rouge’s Gallery” to pretend to cooperate, and then betray each other.

Heh. I said “Unit”…

I played a lot of freeciv doing research for this week’s comic….

Victor 2656

Navajo – Harry MacDonough. 4.5 MB mp3 file.

Ok, a bit of history on this one: back before I was born, my dad did some tinkering and fixed up an old Victrola that had been in the family for years. This was the record that he tested it with. It’s a goofy little novelty tune from 1904. There’s a bit of static, and the digital noise reduction is a bit obvious, but the record is a hundred and five years old so you gotta give that some respect…

Victor 19841

Normandy – Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, 6.2 MB mp3 file.

What a Blue Eyed Baby You Are – Edwin J. McEnelly’s Orchestra, 5.4 MB mp3 file.

Prior to a big battle that happened some 65 years ago today, Normandy was best known as a seaside resort in the north of France. This recording predates “Operation Neptune” by about 19 years, and it’s a little bit of extra irony that the “B” side of the record is about a girl with extremely blue eyes…

Pale and purple

If I can find it, I’ll post the recipe for the stuff in this week’s comic.

Victor 19785

Ida – I Do – Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra, 6.2 MB mp3 file.

Charlestonette – Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra, 5.7 MP mp3 file.

More music from 1925. It’s kind of sad, but I’m really hooked on anything I can find by this band. This is a problem since it’s unlikely that there’ll be any new releases. Also, the majority of their recordings date from over fifty years before I was born.


This guy has never made a bad plan. As we all know, “Any plan where you lose your hat is a bad plan.”

Economics + Comics = Eco-Comics

From the Eco-Comics article, “Where Does the Canadian Government Get the Money from to Keep Making Super-Soldiers?”:

[…] someone in the Canadian government was still there to provide funding for Weapon X, whatever its intended purpose may have been. And I’m sure they had to receive progress reports such as: “We created a supersoldier with a healing ability and an indestructible skeleton. And he was really cool. But then he killed all of the scientists and the guards… and he’s living in the woods now. So… we need more money.”

And Canada, true and loyal country that it is, kept footing the bill. And Weapon X kept on chugging, giving bionic enhancements and healing factors to the clinically insane. Now that’s good government.