Job Interviewe

A Comical Tayle from ye Departmente of Humane Resourceth.

Comic Strip

This week’s comic has a sudden twist to it.


A tale of Science gone Wrong!

The Devourer

She lives! She hungers!

Lesser known comic villains

Sometimes they’re relegated to obscurity for a good reason.


Show some respect for the elderly with this week’s comic.

The gift that keeps on giving…

If laughter is the best medicine, this week’s comic is a bitter pill to swallow.

Pita Pity Party

This week’s comic didn’t make it through a surprise inspection.

A comparison

Axiom Destruction Labs returns for this week’s comic.

Back from the Movies

Went and saw Harry Potter and the Last Installment with some folks tonight. Overall, a good cap to the series. I think it did a good job avoiding some of the problems of the final book (“We’ve got a problem! Let’s spend seventy five pages planning how to solve it!”).