
Choco Chipu 24% Chocolate

Posted in 4.5 Wasabi Pea Rating, Cookie, Sweet at 11:31 pm by Boo


It’s a strange name for a very tasty little cookie. I’m not sure whether the 24% is New! Extra! Chips! or maybe the Japanese are trying to cut back on the chocolate and there is only 24% chocolate in these fellas. It could even be some sort of governmental RDA proudly boasted, like 5% saturated fats or 15% Vitamin B12. Perhaps the former Guinness world record for chocolate percentage in a quarter sized cookie was 23 and they have surpassed it by one percent. I have no idea where they are coming from with the percentage of chocolate but I can tell you that there is only so much room in a cookie that size before you begin to have some serious integrity issues.

These little guys are chocolate on chocolate cookies or a chocolate dough sporting (mini) chocolate chips. Again, the Japanese spring their fondness of the bitterer chocolate onto the consumer so the taste is less chocolaty than you’d find in the American version of a chocolate chocolate chip cookie. This chocolate is more a dusky, fudgy, cocoa chocolate peppered with semi-sweet mini chocolate chips. It’s pretty delish.

The cookie is about a quarter inch thick as well as being about the size of a quarter (about an inch in diameter) and it tastes like cocoa short bread. Mmmmm. I rather liked the meltiness of the cookie (that’s what reminded me of shortbread) combined with the crunchiness of the initial bite. Good crunch and if you let the bite sit on your tongue for a while it dissolves into a tasty cocoa-y bit of yum.

The Guinea Pigs all enjoyed these immensely and one of them made a discovery! These are made by Bourbon; the makers of many fine other tasty treats. Of course it is. It’s also tasty enough to get a

Rating of 4.5 Wasabi Peas out of a possible 5.

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