
Walky Walky

Posted in 4.5 Wasabi Pea Rating, Pocky, Sweet at 12:09 am by Boo

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Spash Cool Rose Menthol

Posted in 1.5 Wasabi Pea Rating, Gum at 12:06 am by Boo

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Tyrant Habanero (original flavor)

Posted in 4.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Chips, Savory at 12:35 am by Boo

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Meiji Coffeebeat

Posted in 3.5 Wasabi Pea Rating, Coffee, Sweet at 12:25 am by Boo

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Toppo (milk chocolate Ghana 60th anniversary)

Posted in 4.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Sweet, Toppo at 6:23 am by Boo

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Morniaga Azuki Caramels

Posted in 3.5 Wasabi Pea Rating, Caramel/Taffy, Sweet at 12:21 am by Boo

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Toppo (for men)

Posted in 4.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Sweet, Toppo at 12:23 am by Boo

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Meltykiss (dark rum)

Posted in 4.5 Wasabi Pea Rating, Sweet at 12:03 am by Boo

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Wata Gum Cola – Cotton Candy Gum

Posted in 4.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Gum, Sweet at 12:16 am by Boo

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Kani Sen

Posted in 0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Cracker, Savory at 12:28 am by Boo

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