
Midi Pocky (chocolate)

Posted in 4.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Pocky, Sweet at 12:19 am by Boo


Not only am I back blogging (I have sacks of fresh snacks to keep me going for quite a while) but it’s August and August is the JSFR’s blogaversary. Happy double postings for the whole month!

Again I’m playing it safe and staying with the Japanese snacks so today you get the other flavor of Pocky Midi that they had at the newest Asian store in town: Chocolate. Either everyone else made off with the more esoteric flavors or Glico is running a bit conservatively with this new iteration of Pocky because strawberry and chocolate are pretty far from the wild side when you are talking flavors of Japanese munchies. Perhaps if you found an empty spot next to both flavors it would have housed the exotic vanilla. Ah well, we can’t expect Kurogo or Mousse chocolate rum raisin to show up straight off the bat.

Speaking of bats, my sometime guest blogger husband said that these remind him of those big plastic bats they used to have when he was wee. Whiffle ball bats? That would be the world’s smallest yet tastiest game of whiffle ball ever.

So! Tiny Chocolate Pocky. As with the strawberry, if you are a fan of the stick (which is the usual graham sorta but not really kind of stick) the goo to stick ratio is probably not going to be to your liking. If you are a fan of the coating, than this might be the Pocky for you. The chocolate is thick and for some reason, the layers are much easier to distinguish than they were with the strawberry. The whipped layer is slightly lighter in color than the smoother outer chocolate layer. The chocolate taste is that same delicious bitter yet sweet chocolate flavor which Pocky does so well. There isn’t as much to these small Pocky but they sure do bring their A game. Even if it is simply the regular chocolate A game, Pocki Midi (chocolate) is a tasty thing indeed.

Rating of 4 Wasabi Peas out of a possible 5.

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