
Pizza Pretz

Posted in 4.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Pretz, Savory at 2:17 pm by Boo


If they don’t stop bringing out Pretz I haven’t tried yet, I’m never going to get to the oldies but goodies to review for you! We discovered these while shopping for happy hour munchies to bring to a gig at the Mumses so naturally, they became part of the fare. Here’s a hint to y’all out there: Do not mess with food when getting together with my fam, they were quite put out when I told them I had to review the Pretz first before they could eat them. So on with the review!

I liked these fellas! They had a good strong tomato and pizza spices base with a cheese chaser. I’d do anything for cheese. What more can I say other than if you ever decided to make thin crunchy dense breadstick pizza than you would have Pizza Pretz? They reminded me a little bit of the pizza Combos (which I lived on freshman year in college) but much better. The cheese flavor isn’t quite so overwhelming and that tomato taste just adds the right zing to these Pretz. All the right flavors and all the right spices mix well enough together to give these guys a-

Rating of 4 Wasabi Peas out of a possible 5.

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