Rich Fran – strawberry (Tsubu Kaniku No Moriichigo)
Here’s a little something reddish and white for the 4th of July (and surprise! all you JSF junkies…I have a borrowed camera!): Creamy strawberry pocky on a chocolate stick. Two out of three isn’t bad (that is the red and white with no accompanying blue) and I’d have to say that goes pretty much for most of the pocky…save where there are more than three factors or less than three factors but still. This is good pocky but it aint the end all of pocky is what I’m trying to say.
First off, lemmie talk olfactory assault. My oh my this pocky (these?) had the mighty rolling whiff of strawberry. Bammo! Right in the sniffer. Strawberry, babE! Sadly, the bark is much worse than the bite so Rich Fran doesn’t continue the strawberry onslaught on to the taste buds. Still, there is strawberry there. DQ, my resident Guinea pig (along with TheMan) this time out deemed them very Crunchberryific and I’d have to say…yeah. I’m sort of disappointed in that too because the Pocky (or Frans?) has little bitlit lumps of red floating about in the pink coating and the back says “dehydrated strawberry” so I was hoping for a more powerful and natural strawberry thing.
TheMan even found a seed, but still the flavor, albeit a very tasty one, is more reminiscent of Crunchberry than strawberry.
There is also the white coating to contend with as well, which I believe gives the Fran/pocky a creamy smooth taste. It also gives the Fran/Pocky some tasty coating weight, which I highly approve of. Thick tasty coating gets pea points in my book. These are very similar to the Mousse Pocky of yore save the extra dip in strawberry coating. If you don’t want to bother taking a peek at the Mousse Pocky, then think creamy yoghurt/white chocolate flavored coating on a crispy stick like chocolate teddy graham and there you go. Add the Crunchberry and wala! Rich Fran – strawberry. Our only complaint was that the stick was a little too fragile for the Fran/Pocky and we kept getting parts of Fran/Pocky instead of a whole stick. Eh, it’s a good eat and tasty too, good enough to snatch a
Rating of 4 Wasabi Peas out of a possible 5.