
Bourbon Lumonde

Posted in 4.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Cookie, Sweet at 7:50 pm by Boo

Bourbon Lumonde.jpg

[Editor’s forward: Today’s fine entry is from none other than TheMan (and if you are really interested, he’s side linked on the main page so you can run and read all his tasty words. OR, I’ll even go the extra mile and link him here for you adoring cheeto butt TheMan readers). He likes him some Bourbon goodies so I grabbed him these critters to review.

It’s always fun seeing what the Bourbon company has come up with for the latest snack. So far we’ve seen their take on lemony cakes and chocolate crackers, and now we have a little confection whose name is really close to the French words for “The World”. Actually, according to babelfish.altavista.com, this particular savory is called “Read World”, but I’m going to assume that there was just a minor mixup in the Japanese to French to English translation.

But enough about that. What about the snack?

I don’t know if it is a case of cultural conditioning, but this particular snack is nothing like what I expected. From the “judging a book by its cover” department, take a look at the classy little translucent purple wrapper. I had a sort of premonition that the snack would be a soft cookie with a fruity-sweet frosting. Probably grape custard flavor or perhaps blueberry. Turns out I was completely wrong. Instead, we have a crisp rolled wafer with a hint of cinnamon. The frosting imparts sweetness with only the barest hint of unidentifiable berry flavor.

Overall, the flavor is reminiscent of a thin and crispy waffle cone. The light frosting holds the stick together when you bite into it, preventing the sort of crumb-burst disintegration that you might expect from a crunchy cookie. The taste and the light airy texture leaves you craving more, but fortunately the individually wrapped portions help put the brakes on indiscriminate munching.
I give this tasty treat a nice solid

Rating of 4 Wasabi Peas out of a possible 5.

1 Comment »

  1. bento beginnings… – nibbleArt said,

    March 13, 2009 at 10:35 pm

    […] small Japanese Bourbon Lumonde cookie (Bourbon is the brand name, it’s not a liqueur […]

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