
Asian Passage Rice Cracker (peanuts okaki)

Posted in 3.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Cracker, Savory at 12:36 am by Boo

Back again back again with the Asian Passage crackers. Jiggity jig. This time it’s the peanuts delight package. Or as they say ‘peanuts okaki’ which makes me giggle. I can’t help it, every time I see ‘okaki’ my 12 year old mind lets me know how close okaki is to caca and then it’s all downhill from there.

So! Peanuts. Yup, thems peanuts alright. Five different kinds of peanuts: Flat sesame-hat, flat no sesame-hat, red peanut, orange peanut and brown peanut. They all are wrapped in a rice cracker with various kinds of flavor I assume. I can only really taste the sesame nutty from the flat sesame hat peanuts and the soy salty from the brown peanuts over the peanutty of the wrapped peanut inside.

I’ll give it to Asian Passage, they have one pow’ful peanut. It’s almost a delight to eat their peanuts except I’m not really in a peanut mood at the moment. If I was, these would be absolutely snackable. They certainly would make an excellent bar snack. They have a delightful crunch and a delicious peanutty taste with a ricy cracker followup.

Which brings me to my dilemma. Hapi Mixed Crackers did this a little bit better with other flavored crackers thrown in to break up the peanut monotony. Indeed, that’s mostly all that peanuts okaki offers is peanutty (and crunch). I’m a little bored but then again, peanuts okaki never promised me anything but peanuts. And okaki. *giggle* Thus, I can’t really fault them for boring me because they taste of peanuts and a little bit of sesame or soy if you grab the right okaki.

They certainly are better than the Tokyo mix and because they specialized in the peanut, their peanut is better than the Hapi Mixed Cracker’s peanut. But I’d still rather snack on the Hapi mix so I think I’ll give peanuts okaki a half pea point more than the Tokyo mix and the same rating as the Hapi Crackers.

Rating of 3 wasabi peas out of a possible 5 wasabi peas.

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