
Maeil Caffe Latte (mocha)

Posted in 4.5 Wasabi Pea Rating, Beverage, Coffee at 12:27 am by Boo

On this second day of November we continue to celebrate Korean Sippy Straw Frou-Froulet Coffee Drinks with the mocha flavor of Caffe Latte. Have I mentioned how much the sippy straws amuse me? Especially when I realized that the green packaged Mocha has a green straw while the mostly tan with dark chocolate writing Classic Mild had a chocolate colored sippy straw. Plus, they are bendy extendo sippy straws. I love them!

If only the straw were long enough to easily reach the bottom of the container I’d be in sippy straw heaven. However, if you stretch the straw to its longest point and then jam it straight down into the cup you can juuuust reach the last of your drink.

The mocha flavor of Caffe Latte is chocolaty, milky smooth with a slightly bitter coffeeness. The bitter is masked a bit more with the chocolate but sadly, the chocolate doesn’t hide all of the slight chemical flavor. Still, not a bad coffee drink at all.

On the whole, the mocha is the better drink of the two Maeil coffees but again, the size and the ghosting of chemical flavor is going knock some small pea pointage off of the rating. However, it’ll make up some of that pea pointage with the packaging. WHEEE!

Rating of 4.5 wasabi peas out of a possible 5 wasabi peas.


  1. Deb said,

    November 11, 2008 at 12:51 pm

    I tried some similar Starbucks brand coffees from the convenience store recently and enjoyed them, too. I didn’t get a chemical flavor, though. Maybe it’s some kind of sweetener?

    And is there a green tea variety?

  2. Boo said,

    November 11, 2008 at 1:30 pm

    I have never been a fan of Starbuck’s coffee except for their sweetie drinks. I have no idea why but they have the best mocha in town and the worst coffee. *shrug* The store I got the Maeil coffees at only had the two varities but doing some quick Google fu tells me that there are at least two other flavors; Maple cappuccino and Espresso. No Green Tea that I could find. 🙁 (<= Sad face for you, I'm not a huge green tea fan)

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