
Assi Coffee Candy

Posted in 3.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Coffee, Hard Candy, Sweet at 12:37 am by Boo

Onto more coffee candy, this time from Korea. Have we had any Korean coffee candy yet? Awwwww, don’t make me look it up. Grumble Grumble. Well yes, sorta, if you count the Lotte’s Latte Latte. However Lotte is sort of an odd duck when it comes to pinning down a nationality so… *shrug* Since the smaller candy packaging says “Korean Candy” I’m calling it: First Korean Coffee Candy. Whoo.

The first Korean coffee candy is kinda cute. They look like little coffee hard candy UFOs. Heh. They are also not much on the outer packaging which wouldn’t have grabbed my attention if I didn’t see “coffee” on them. I’m on a coffee candy kick and that was probably the sole deciding purchasing factor for me. Otherwise, eh on the look.

The taste though…decently coffeelicious and incredibly sweet. One of my Guinea Pigs described them as “The root beer barrel of coffee” and they do have a root beer bite to them. And sweet. I kind of like them but they are certainly nowhere in the league of Kanro Non Sugar Coffee Sankan. Imagine if you burnt your tongue on a hot beverage and then added three or four sugar cubes to an average but decent cup of coffee. The following sip of said beverage would be what these taste like, tingly tongue numbness and all. I think that’s the “root beer barrelness” coming through. That and the fact that these are on the bitey side of hard candies. Watch out for that.

Korean Coffee candy is a decent middle of the road treat. They probably can’t quite make a 3.5 pea rating but they can certainly walk off with a

Rating of 3 wasabi peas out of a possible 5 wasabi peas.

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