
I-Mei Fried Cookies (peanut)

Posted in 3.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Cookie, Sweet at 12:56 am by Boo


SeanWhoseNameIsNate was up this way over the weekend and he brought with him some East Coast “Japanese” treats.

From Mom’s House, none the less. Isn’t that an awesome name for a Asian snackery? Mom’s House…HEE!

I-Mei out of Taiwan makes at least two kinds of fried cookies (guess what’s going to show up at the review tomorrow!) and today we’ll start with the peanut. You can’t exactly see from the pic but the cookies have actual peanut chunks in them (the lighter blots speckling the cookie are in fact bits of peanut). Bonus! They taste pleasantly of peanut too in a sort of Girl Scout peanut butter cookie sandwich way but not as sweet. Sadly they do not have peanut butter filling which would really make this cookie…they are perhaps a tad on the dry side and could stand a little goo.

On the other hand, these cookies pack an awesome crunchity crisp which leaves no doubt in my mind that they are indeed fried. If the British were into fried tea biscuit cookies of a peanut flavored nature, these might very well be those tea biscuits. I’m not sure I’d extol the virtues of Fried Cookies (peanut) to the world at large any more than I have already but I might mention to my friends that these are a decently solid cookie. If you can get SeanWhoseNameIsNate to buy you a pack, take him up on the offer. They are definitely worth eating on someone else’s dime. Heck, at a buck fifty they are probably worth eating on your own dime as long as you don’t also have a choice to get Winter Pocky or Cratz for the same price.

Rating of 3 wasabi peas out of a possible 5 wasabi peas.


  1. Sean K. said,

    December 20, 2009 at 11:14 am

    As I recall, there are 2 or 3 flavors besides the 2 I brought to you. Unfortunately, I can’t remember what they were. Another trip to Mom’s House is in order in the near future.

  2. boo said,

    December 23, 2009 at 9:41 am

    YAY! Mom’s house!

    Also…yum. I hope.

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