
Crown Coffee Slim

Posted in 3.5 Wasabi Pea Rating, Coffee, Cookie, Sweet at 12:13 am by Boo


These cookies are pretty much the same cookie as yesterday (light, fragile, short bread like) save in this flavor, the white chocolate is a strip of coffee flavored white chocolatesque goo. Coffee Slim also come in a green box with a different picture of community…something on the back:

The Guinea Pigs did not detect any coconut oiliness in the flavor, but then again the odd taste was rather faint with the White… and coffee is a much stronger flavor. The coffee tastes more middling instant coffee than fresh brewed flavored so although the odd aftertaste of the White… is missing or covered up, the ‘meh’ coffee flavor isn’t really making up that much ground.

How to open your Crown Cookies.

Rating of 3.5 Wasabi Pea out of a possible 5.

1 Comment »

  1. Elissa said,

    January 3, 2012 at 6:09 pm

    i love this! it tastes so good, and creamy!

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