
Baum Roll

Posted in 4.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Sweet at 11:19 am by Boo


What is a Baum Roll, you may ask, and I would be most happy to oblige you in the answering of that question. In very simple terms, a Baum Roll is rolled up frosted lemon cake in individual package sleeves. It’s also made by Bourbon, the company that brings you all sorts of tasty packaged cake like snacks which I have yet to review. Mmmmm, cake like packaged snack stuff. I think I’m going to be liking this run of reviewing. Baum Rolls, however, are the first in a line of packaged Bourbon goodies so Hip-Hip-Hooray for another JSFR first! Whooo! (And I can NOT keep from thinking “tree” rolls because Baum is tree in German, so they are “tree” rolls to me.)

These tasty cake like packaged treats sure do have the lemon whiff going for them, especially as you open a package. They are fresh lemon front and center, the kind of lemon that grabs your nose and screams “Pay attention to my citrus goodness!”. However, as I am finding out about a lot of the Japanese snack food, their lemon bark is worse than their lemon bite (take that in a good way). When you do bite one of these critters you will find that they have a rather pleasant lemony glow about them rather than an oversaturated lemoness you might expect from the initial olfactory onslaught.

I’ll have to admit, Baum Rolls reminded me a whole lot of yellow Zingers, if Zingers were a two inch wide thin strip of yellow cake rolled up and then dunked in tasty lemony frosting. Mmmm, frosting. Oh, and if yellow Zingers were lemon flavored, which I believe they are not (excuse my potentially erroneous recollections, it’s been an extremely long time since I’ve partaken of the yellow Zinger). Baum Rolls also lack the creamy Zinger inside, but the thick frosting consistency and the moist cakiness are most certainly from the dimension of Zingers. Baum Rolls do get fractional plus peas for their moistness since there is nothing quite so disappointing as dry cake. I’m not even going to subtract any fractional peas for the Baum Rolls not bringing on the lemon like the initial package opening promised. My Guinea Pigs and I were satisfied with the light fruitiness of the cakes and were not one bit disappointed that they did not deliver the lemon.

We all give Baum Rolls a

Rating of 4 Wasabi Peas out of a possible 5.

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