
Zest-o frut Zoda

Posted in 3.5 Wasabi Pea Rating, Beverage at 12:35 am by Boo

Hee hee heh. Frut Zoda. LOVE! I’m giving this a half pea just on account of frut Zoda. (Z-o-d-a- zoda) fair? Probably not. Amusing? Oh yes. Definitely.

This is the last of my Zest-o sodas and so far, it’s the prettiest of them. I rather like the pink color. I’m not sure why it’s frut Zoda though because it only lists grapefruit juice in the ingredients. It does also list ‘Flavors’ but really? It is primarily sweet grapefruit juice. It also may have a bit of the Zest-o swamp water problem but of the four sodas I’ve tried, this one is by far the weakest of the lagoon-y lot. I don’t think there really is much to complain about as far as swampy taste although if you think on it, you might find it lurking there somewhere.

Of the four sodas, this one is my favorite. I think the calamansi might have had a better more unique taste but frut Zoda is prettier and less swamptastic. Plus frut Zoda. Hee! I’m not saying I’m going to give up Squirt anytime soon but frut Zoda has a pretty good handle on grapefruit. It’s also prettier than Squirt although I’d be hard pressed to debate that it has a funnier name.

In short, frut Zoda snags a

Rating of 3.5 wasabi peas out of a possible 5 wasabi peas.

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