
Royal Family Mochi Choco Ball (strawberry)

Posted in 2.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Mochi, Sweet at 12:26 am by Boo


More Royal Family mochi! This particular mochi caught my eye because it is covered in chocolate. CHOCOLATE!!! That’s new to the JSFR so of course I grabbed them. They are also filled with strawberry and hey! Strawberry was pretty good last time we sampled it, we figured that this could be the best mochi ever!

Hmmm. Well. As one of the Guinea Pigs commented, “The whole is less than the sum of its parts.” And there are some problems with the parts. The strawberry filling isn’t as awesomely strawberry as we had hoped. It’s rather disappointingly bland. The rice pastry wrapper is a pretty pink color but that’s about all it has going for it other than it’s rice pastry wrapper tasting. There is a little marshmallow cushion that the strawberry center sits on but marshmallow is just marshmallow-y and not really interesting. The chocolate is, sadly, a bit waxy. Alas.

Another of the Guinea Pigs thought these mochi tasted like a strawberry centered moon pie. That’s not what we were hoping for when we started off on this adventure. Another Guinea Pig said, “I’d never buy it again and I might not eat it again if you offered it to me.” Hrrrmm. The peanut from yesterday was much tastier and the strawberry mochi from a while back will probably work better for your strawberry fix. I don’t have an answer for the chocolate coating but if you covered one of the strawberry mochi in magic shell it would be better.

Rating of 2 wasabi peas out of a possible 5 wasabi peas.


  1. Abbas said,

    November 29, 2010 at 4:53 am

    where can I order this from? and will there be any delivery to the middle east? I want to see how they are!
    Thank you,

  2. Boo said,

    December 1, 2010 at 10:33 pm

    I like to direct people to J-List or possibly NapaJapan (although I have not yet ordered from the last one). Whether they have these and will ship them to the Middle East I do not know.

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