
Jane-Jane Prepared Rolled Squid

Posted in 3.0 Wasabi Pea Rating, Savory at 12:52 am by Boo


As with any of the seafood jerky snacks, if you set your mind to the fact that you are eating dried fishes everything else will then fall into place. Mostly. I mean, dried squid is going to smell like dried squid because…well it is dried squid. I don’t know about you but I have not learned the art of appreciating the smell of dried sea creatures. They smell like old pungent fishy fish which does not bring pleasant thoughts to my mind. Shin Ho Sing’s Jane-Jane (and can I get a hee?) squid smells like old fish but that’s because it’s rollered, flatted squid. Can’t do much about that. I am pleased, however, that they smell more like fishy fish and less like fishy food flakes.

Jane-Jane’s prepared rolled squid is less dried and more jerky which means it is a little chewier than the last rolled squid I reviewed (Mr. Squid). I prefer the dried flattened squid in texture to the jerkied flattened squid but that may be six of one and all. Just be mindful that it’ll take a while to chew your Jane-Jane squid bite.

While you are masticating your squid bit, you might notice the sweet honey flavoring followed really closely by a decent squidy flavor and a good peppery bite. Mr. Squid was also a bit sweet which followed into a nice bitey flavor with a decent squidy taste and Jane-Jane’s squid is pretty similar. Instead of sweet than bitey to linger though, Jane-Jane is bitey with a lingering sweet. Again, I can’t really fault that because to some people a lingering bitey is preferable while to others a lingering sweet would be the bomb. Neither had a squiddy aftertaste and THAT is nice indeed.

Even though I prefer the drier dried Mr. Squid squid to the moister Jane-Jane jerky squid, I think Jane-Jane has a slightly better flavor overall. According to My Favorite Guinea Pig, they would be even better if the bitey was stronger than the sweety but he’s not so much of a sweety person. The cat, on the other hand, left her warm comfy spot to follow me around after I gave her one bite of Jane-Jane squid. That cat likes her the comfy so I’d say in the feline world, Jane-Jane is a winner.

Dried squid hasn’t yet seeped into the American conscious so it will probably taste weird to the American palate. If you like dried squid, add another half to full pea point to my

Rating of 3 wasabi peas out of a possible 5 wasabi peas.


  1. (( Ms. K. )) said,

    December 3, 2009 at 4:09 pm

    I actually like this squid snack.
    I like the sheet kind rather then the strips.

  2. Boo said,

    December 3, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    I don’t know as I’ve had squid strips so I’ll keep an eye out for some. I rather did like this snack, I just wish it were a little less chewy and a little more jerkey-y.

  3. jefferson faudan said,

    May 23, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    I actually enjoyed the dried squid snack i get from Japan… it’s really tasty… i guess some of us are just not used to some foreign flavors that can be new to us…

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